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I started my journey after a health scare, at 245 lbs and I am now 154 lbs. I
no longer take any blood pressure or diabetic medications. I began walking
15 min. a day and increased it to 30 min. I then incorporated your videos.
The more I did the stronger I got. Now I work out 5 days a week and do
your workouts 3 times a week. Your videos and kind words keep me
motivated. There are times when I just wanted to give up but then all of a
sudden on cue, l'd hear you say "you are strong" or "you have to take care
of yourself" and it makes me push even harder.
17 weeks of Jenny Ford Fitness every day, healthy eating, weight training
3x/week = 30 lb. loss! Thank you, Jenny Ford!
A year ago today I decided to start working out and eating healthy. I've
stuck with it and I feel amazing. I don't see myself quitting anytime soon.
45 pounds down. This is all because of Jenn's videos. I found her on
Amazon Prime a year ago and have been doing her videos ever since. She
is my movement every day. Especially now being stuck at home. Bought
my step bench and it came last Friday! I've done a couple of the step
workouts…wow. I'm going to have to build up to some of that. But I will!
Just wanted to say thanks!
A. Pempin 
Hi Jenny, I wrote to you back in August through Facebook Messenger
about my success working out with you for the past 7 months. I am now
down a total of 60 pounds and feel absolutely amazing! I have reached my
goal of "pre-baby" weight but would still like to lose another 20 pounds.
Thank you for vour videos! As a busy, working mom I am able to make time
for my health everv day in the comfort of mv living room.
Marv Rose 
Hi Jenny, my partner and I had recently moved into a new house that
wasn't terribly close to a gym, so it was easy to ignore it. I bought an
Original Step and started looking for videos from my local library and was
quickly discouraged. I found your 'Step by Step' workout on YouTube and
used that for a while. My lightest weight was 235 lbs. Last vear I was up to
285 lbs., and since working out with your videos, I'm down to 239 lbs.
just wanted you to know how much of an impact our work has made on
my life so far. Cheers, Aaron (Milwaukee, WI)
Aaron Doualas 
Over 7 years ago, my husband and I changed our eating habits and began
exercising. In the process, we learned weight loss and health wasn't just
something you do short-term, but it is a lifestyle you adopt and attend to
regularly. After being overweight my entire life, I finally felt comfortable in
my body. Part of my journey has been finding exercises that keep me
motivated, engaged, and safe. As a double arm amputee with knee
injuries, I found Jenny's step and walking workouts not only challenge me
but are easily adapted for personal circumstances. When I re-injured my
knee a couple of years ago, I wondered if I would ever exercise again! I
loved doing Jenny's workouts. I started small with her aerobic workouts
and thankfully was able to build back up to stepping! I appreciate how
Jenny encourages you to do what feels good.
Annae Jones 
I have always loved the Jenny Ford workout videos, but due to a car
accident leaving me needing back surgery, I was unable to do any kind of
workout at all for a year and a half. After finally having surgery, I was ready
to move, but like everyone else, COVID had me stuck inside. I was so
excited when Walk Across America started at the beginning of the year
because it kept me moving but let me "travel" at the same time. From
state one to fifty, you get a great workout every single time. As you move
through the states, you can feel yourself getting stronger and wanting to
push ourself more. I absolutelv loved this program, and it was such a jov
to do.
Yesterday, was my one-year anniversary of stepping with you. My love of
stepping was always there, but I haven't always been consistent. Until last
vear when I had a health scare. I'm a mom of an almost-two-year-old boy,
so this scare shook me to my core. I decided to take control of what I
could-what I eat and how I move. Since June 10th of last vear, I've
stepped with you at least three times per week, while also running a day or
two in between. Being a stay-at-home mom with seldom a babysitter, a
gym is out of the question. But why would I want a gym membership when
I have you. Your personality is winning and you keep me motivated with
your positive attitude. I always feel better when I spend time with you.
Since last year, I've lost 15 pounds, and I'm in the best shape of my life.
Rachel Geisler 
I wanted to tell you guys that last year when the pandemic hit I made a
decision to start exercising daily. I found Jenny on YouTube and started
doing basic step. I have done it every day for a year now and I am down 50
Ibs. Jenny is such an inspiration to me. I have a friend that started doing it
with me and she is down 60 lbs. I want you all to know that you are in my
prayers daily. I am so sorry for your loss! I know this year has been terrible.
Just know that you are being thought of and are still an inspiration to so
many! Hugs!
Carrie Dalton 
It's not a before and after…It's a Before and For Now. I am wearing the
same shirt in both pictures, only I am 45 pounds lighter in the second one.
I am forever grateful that I found Jenny Ford! I love getting up in the
mornings and starting my day with Jenny! Thank you for all that vou do for
Chervl Crane 
Dear Jenny, I am still so happy that I discovered you on Youtube 6 years
ago. Since then I have been satisfied with my weight. After the
pregnancies of my first 2 boys in 2009 and 2012, I had gained quite a bit
and I was not losing enough weight. Until I discovered you and your
marching and step workouts. I did gain a lot of weight during the
pregnancy of my 3rd son, but it also went off pretty quickly. I do a
marching or step workout every day and that feels great. Both physically
and psychologically. I hope you're feeling better after all that's happened.
Much love to you and your family.
Kim van Oeffelen 
I began my journey with you. I have lost 70 pounds and am 7.8 pounds
from my goal.
I live in Minnesota, age 52, recently retired from 33 years as a medical
secretary. Now I spend my time working on our farm and exercising (of
I found Jenny's workouts on YouTube and loved them. Purchased the Walk
Across America program and do a workout almost every day. I'm on my
3rd time through. My favorite is North Dakota because it seems to be the
hardest one. I love that I can ramp up the intensity for a harder workout by
using weights and doing higher impact, yet my husband can keep it low so
it works for him, and we can exercise together (he's recovering from
cancer). I have lost 15 pounds so far - a few more to go.
Michelle Terry 
I was told I suffered from anxiety and depression. That same month was the
month that the world closed down and we couldn't attend much, I had
scheduled my first therapy session that had to be canceled until further
notice. The doctor who I spoke to had recommended I to lose some weight
for health reasons along with some therapy for my depression.
Spoke to a therapist over the phone who recommended I work out to help
out with my depression... I was a person who had never worked out in her
life. I started with my regular stationary bike and slowly worked my way up
to a "real" workout. I didn't know where to start so I took to YouTube, and I
found Jenny. I started with the small 15-minute videos and slowly worked
my way up. I can say I've never been happier. I've lost a total of 70 pounds
in the course of the year, and I can honestly say I'm the happiest.
It's not about how skinny you look it's about being happy with yourself.
I was entering my 10th season of roller derby when the world shut down. I
was missing a piece of my life that was so very important to me. I discover
Jenny's step videos while I was out of work for 2 months and it got me
We skate in one direction mostly, so I was definitely uneven in my muscle
balance. Step gave me a fun workout that helped straighten me out!
Thanks, Jenny, Tyler, and family for being a light in a dark time
Val Elfrink 
Hi Jenny, I love your step workouts. I found you on YouTube during the
pandemic, March 2020. I do your videos 6 days per week. I've lost 60
pounds. Grateful to you! Thank you!
I have lived away from my home country of Australia for the last 6 years
and I gained a lot of weight. I couldn't bear to look at photos of myself
anymore, so I decided to make a change. I fell in love with
your workouts as soon as I started trying them. They are easy to follow
and so much fun! It's taken me a year, but I've lost a total of 64 lbs. I look
and feel great and owe a big part of it to your videos! I always look forward
to your new ones.
-Viene Pak Chong, Thailand (formerly, Gold Coast, Australia)
Nicole Kahler 
My name is Lisa, I'm 37, a wife and mum of 2 from the UK. Starting
weight 253.5 lbs. I suffer from depression and one day thought how could
I get my butt off the sofa and do some exercise. I found Jenny Ford, and I
sweat buckets. It gave me so much energy, that I did it again AND the
dancing ones too. I have lost 73 lbs. in 8 months.
Lisa Curry 
Hi Jenny. Messenging you from the UK. At the end of 2020 like many, I
expect I was feeling totally unfit, tired all the time, no energy, and
menopausal all whilst being a mum to 2 gorgeous adolescent boys and
studying for a professional doctorate in counseling psychology. I decided
to embark on an exercise routine from home which I was hoping would
help my menopausal symptoms brain fog, plus weight gain and lack of
self-confidence. I found your step workout such a tonic, seeing your lovely
face and enthusiasm was inspiring, so much so I have followed your
workouts routinely and am really seeing benefits in terms of energy, self-
esteem, better sleep, and wellbeing. I especially like the 20 minutes but
sweaty routines. Quick enough to keep me on track and motivated. Thank
you so much.
Elaine Smith 
I have been doing your Step and Marching and Weights for 2 years now. I
have become healthier, fitter, and lost some 2 stone. I wasn't too worried
bout the Weight but being healthier was a priority. I have had 3 surgeries
for stage 4 bowel cancer, fingers crossed I'm good now. I was devastated
to hear the loss of your darling boy. Jessica, my daughter pictured here,
has taken up yoga and is finding it helpful. You are an amazing family and I
thank you for your hard work and inspiration.
My love. Boo. In the UK xX
Boo Ormond 
Hello, my name is Sheila, from Surrey, BC Canada. My health and fitness
story started when my doctor gave me a medical diagnosis that I didn't
want to hear but knew deep down it was true. I was 44 years old and 307
Ibs. I was a wife and mother of 2, and I knew if I wanted to be there for my
family in the long run, that I needed to go all-in and fix my health.
I would get up after my husband left for work, but the kids were still in bed
giving me my time to enjoy working out. Jenny, you made it so easy with
routines both challenging and fun and at my skill level. Your smiling face
every morning encouraged me to do my best but to work at my pace.
Once I started adding the core and ab workouts to my exercise routine,
was noticing consistent weight loss. I am happy to share that I have lost
101 lbs. and I have never felt better. I have been able to do so much more
in my life and I am not just "Mom on the sidelines" anymore, I am
participating in life with my husband and children.
I struggled with my weight for my whole life. I finally found a combination
of diet and exercise that has worked. I was searching for exercises that
would keep me interested and I came across Jenny Ford. She made it easy
for me to follow and interesting enough for me to keep coming back. I look
forward to my workouts and lost 50 pounds in 1 year doing Jenny's
workouts 2 to 3 times a week. Her style of teaching works great for me.
Can't wait to see what the future brings. One day you'll wake up and look
in the mirror and won't believe your eyes. Thank you for helping me on my
road to health Jenny. I still have a bit of a way to go but I will keep at it.
Love you, Jennv.
R. Ma 
I started my fitness journey with Jenny Ford on 7/29/2020 by doing a
beginner step workout. Weighing in at 216 pounds. I kept going and a little
less than 10 months later I weigh in at 150 pounds. I lost a total of 66
pounds total. I'm so grateful I found Jenn Ford. Thank you so much
I love Jenny Ford's step workouts. Makes me feel young and energized.
Bonnie Schroeder 
I love your Step and Walk Across America workouts. Your workouts are
easy to follow and are challenging at the same time. You motivate and
inspire people to do their very best. Thank you.
Michele Sanders-Alvarez 
I started out 420 pounds in Fall 2019. I am down to 193 pounds (-227
pounds in 20 months!). I did a lot of walking at first, then went to the gym.
I started doing Jenny's workouts last March when the gyms closed, which
really helped me continue my progress during the pandemic. I added in
more running last June. I ran my first half marathon this spring! Now that
the weather is nice, I mostly do running, but I do Jenny's step aerobic
videos once every other week or so. I definitely appreciated having
Jenny's step aerobic videos during the pandemic as I still made great
progress without going to the gym or being around others.
J. Justin Boggs 
I do Jenny Ford's Step Aerobics Workouts with my teacher buddies after
school. The school has step benches and I use them in the gym with my
students and teachers. I also use Jenny Ford's workouts for indoor recess
brain boosts, 5-10 minutes for classroom teachers, and then for PE
classes. I found Jenn's videos and like them because there are many
different skill levels with my teacher friends and they can modify for
individual performance based on what level they currently are performing.
Hi Jenny! I just wanted to pass on some amazing news from my day today!
Today I have made it to the 6-month mark of my weight loss journey.
have been going to Weight Watchers for that 6 months (and am continuing
to go) and I have been using some of your workouts as a major part of my
exercise program. In the last 6 months, I have managed to lose an
incredible 30kg! (66 pounds) I still have some ways to go but I wanted to
pass on my thanks to you for helping me get where I am now!
During the pandemic I decided to lose weight and get fit. Discovered
Jenny Ford and fell in love with the workouts. I was able to lose 60 pounds
in a year doing all 50 Walk Across America videos and the step aerobics
Now Jenny has become a part of my everyday routine
Kimberly Creech-Wright 
I started using your step aerobics during the pandemic and lost 14 lbs. I
also really believe that because I was doing them at least four times a
week ( my favorites were the Hawaii and Malibu videos) that when I finally
got Covid in May 2021 it helped me recover faster.
Linda Hoffs 
I would like to share my success story with you. I started weight watchers
and at the same time, I started doing your workouts. Today I weigh a whole
97 lbs. lighter and I am nearly at my target and it's thanks to you with your
videos that have helped me achieve this amazing weight loss. -Many
I'm from Australia. I've lost 30 kilos (66 pounds) just by doing your videos,
thank you so much for making them. I love doing them so much! I'm now
44 and am fitter than I was in my late 20s. You should feel proud of
yourself to help people in such an important way to stay fit and extend
lives. You're an inspiration to me. I spread the Jenny Ford step and fitness
to evervone. In fact, all my friends do your step now. Take care, and thank
David Lane 
All of Jenny's workouts are fun, as challenging as you'd like them to be, are
set in beautiful places, and really give you a great full-body aerobic
workout in 30 minutes! I discovered Jenny's step and walk programs at the
beginning of the COVID pandemic when gyms closed and I started
working from home. I've followed them religiously every day and am in
BETTER shape now than before! I'd highly recommend Jenny's programs
to anybody!
Adam Cohen 
Jenny is an inspiration to me and with her amazing and encouraging step
workouts, I'm down 30 pounds from a year ago.
Shari Puleo 
Hi Jenny! My name is Crissy Kriegel. After the death of my mom in 2016, I
gained 70 pounds. In 2019 I started my fitness journey to take my health
back. I've lost 50 pounds!! I owe it to watching my portion sizes and
exercise. I love water aerobics, YOUR step aerobics routines, walking, and
HIIT workouts. My greatest advice is to remain consistent in your
workouts, eat sweets/fats/carbs in moderation and stay hydrated!
Hydration makes a noticeable difference in your health and well-being!
Crissy Kriegel 
Love that I can do these workouts anywhere and anytime. I often add a
two-pound weight in each hand to up the arm movements as I continue to
strengthen and heal from a rotator cuff tear. My favorite moves are the
grapevine and the power ham curls. I'm on my second time through the 50
states and plan on starting the step program soon! Jenny got me back
moving after some personal problems had me in a low place. I'm so
thankful I found Jenny Ford Fitness!!
Marie Landrum Reeves 
Jenny has shown me that fitness is so much more than being a meathead.
She showed me that fitness can be fun and have purpose. I mean this! So
much. Her videos are fun, and she has such incredible energy!
Lost 67 pounds and toning up with Jenny Ford's videos. 62 years young.
Feeling good
Joyce Newman 
I've lost a total of 93.2 pounds. 70 of which he completed in onlv 1 vear bu
being a strict calorie counter with MyFitnessPal (an app) and by religiously
workina out to Jennv Ford's workouts. -La Crescenta. California
Love love love your Walk Across America workouts, I recently bought the
DVD set from Amazon, and do a new one every other day. I've been
working out with vou for 4 vears now, I wanted to find a home workout with
no equipment and found you on YouTube, I liked the fact we are similar
ages, and that vou talk me through the moves step by step. I recommend
vou to all mv friends. I'm from the UK
Thanks, Jenny xxx
Yvette McCullough 
Hi Jenny. My continued health journey has been largely attributed to your
passion and kindness. And my agency to take the best care of this soon-
to-be 67-year-old body. Love you!
Joan Drisdale Powell 
My husband and I love doing your Step Across America series together!
Vicki Tomashot Bauer 
Hi Jenny! My sister Karen and I love your Walk Across America workouts!!
We bought your videos through Amazon on our firestick and then bought
the map on Amazon and put it on our fridge! We finished all 50 states on
Friday 6/4/21!! That was so satisfying. I love, love, love, filling in the map.
have lost 18 lbs. by doing your workouts and eating better (I went from
277 to 259).
Tricia Emerson 
A year and a half ago I was fifty pounds heavier and feeling like at my age
(pushing 50) there was no hope. I suffered from severe anxiety and the
medication I was taking wasn't right for me. In an effort to help my anxiety,
started to do Jenny's step workouts two days a week, and then three, and
then built from there, adding marching workouts on the in-between days.
It got me to think about my eating, and I got on a better-ish eating plan.
still don't eat as healthy as I should, but I definitely do better. Anyway, not
only am I down fifty pounds, but Jenny inspired me to also become a
fitness instructor. She'll always be my step queen. My best health and
wellness advice is to love the skin you're in, but also love what's under
your skin.
Laura Perkins Taff 
Officiallv 120 pounds down. Thank you, Jenny Ford, for helping me along
the way!!!
My name is John Bosco, I'm a 55-year-old high school PE teacher and
have just completed my 30th year of teaching. I was given the assignment
to teach 2 step aerobics classes for the first time this upcoming year, with
no experience teaching step. I found Jenny Ford and have been following
her online workouts to get some routines and steps I can teach the girls
this coming school year. After reaching out to Jenny, she gave me great
advice, information, and tips to help me make the class exciting, fun, and
enjoyable. Here's a picture of me teaching at Whitney High School, in
Rocklin. California. Thank vou for all vour helo and all vou do.
Coach John Bosco 
I feel like I know you from your YouTube videos. We are a group of clinic
nurses and staff who use your Step Aerobics w/3 combo's after work,
once a week. We have 4 regulars and others who join in when time allows.
We use our lobby for your class.
I have lost 45 lbs. through weight watchers and exercise. More to go but I
am very proud of my accomplishment. Especially since I'm the elder of our
group (just turned 65). Can't say I love the exercise like you seem to but it
works! And I will admit to talking back to you sometimes when we work
The Step Aerobics workouts still kick my butt every week. Thank you for
helping us get/stay fit.
Kathy and other health care providers at Menlo Medical Clinic
Health Care Providers at Menlo Medical Clinic 
My fitness journey began 6 months ago. I was the heaviest that I'd ever
been. I'm 5'6" and was hovering between 175 and 180. We watch keeping
up with the Kardashians. Khloe has lost a lot of weight. I saw her doing
step workouts. I ordered a step and found vou. I continued to do vour step
workouts every day. I've lost a total of 24 lbs, and got all new clothes
because I had to! Lol! Thank you for making me love myself again. You
reallv make a difference in this world!
Kristeeio Brant 
Today I have lost a total of fifty pounds, and I am still working so hard to
get more fit and healthy. You have inspired me. Because of you, I have
been successful in my journey. I wake up every morning thinking about my
workout and what video I am going to watch of yours. I love the variety of
workouts you have to offer. I encourage all my friends to watch you. Thank
you for my life change, my children really love it. Much love and thanks.
Happy Anniversary! To us! I've been working out with your videos for an
entire vear now! I'm down 2 sizes, 25 pounds, have much more energy,
and feel much healthier than I have in many years. You are a real blessing
to me. Thanks for being a great coach and motivator. Your
encouragements in the videos are heart-felt. Here's to another great vear!"
Hi Jenny, I am 51 and live in north Queensland, Australia. I have enjoyed
working out for the last 20 years and I use exercise to promote my own
good mental health and keep my body, bones, and mind healthy. I also like
to try and inspire others to try and find a type of exercise they enjoy
because once you have found it you will always go back to it. I have entered into peri-menopause recently and am struggling with weight gain and aches and pains but am determined to deal with things naturally if possible and your workouts are my safe place to go when I cannot pull out the big guns but I still need to move.
Thanks for being there and making a difference in our lives.
Mandy McLeod 
Kidney Transplant Warrior and workout fanatic
I started out about a year and a half ago with your waking videos... Have
since then gone on to more challenging workouts. Thanks for getting me
started! I do your boot camp workout weekly!
Heather Luchies 
Hi Jenny, I thought I'd tell you my little fitness story and how you inspire
me. I had to work from home in the Covid lockdown and felt quite isolated
and anxious. I've always tried to keep fit and maintain a healthy weight, but
I started to comfort eat. Yummy salted caramel ice cream on a regular
basis. I was also aware that I wasn't exercising as much. I decided to Start
step classes, so looked on YouTube, and there you were! I did step for
quite a while but had an injury so had to back it off. Then I discovered your
walking and marching classes. So these became my daily ritual. I now do a
variety of classes including some running! I am feeling fit and thankfully
have lost most of my 'illy belly! Thanks for picking me up when I was
down and inspiring me! You are wonderful, pure, and simple. PS I have just
turned 62 and live in England.
Josie Willcocks 
I am 41 years old. When I started doing Jenny's workouts, I was amazed to
I felt toned, energized, and motivated to keep going! I found her workouts
easy to follow and uplifting. Thanks to Jenny and her amazing workouts I
have been able to lose over 70 lbs in a year. I work out with Jenny 5 to 6
days a week. I feel like I'm working out with a friend. I can't thank Jenny
enough for changing my health and changing my life!
Rebecca Hogg 
Hello Jenn! Mv name is Patricia, I'm from Poland and I'm 41 ears old.
have a lot of work yet, but thanks to your training I have good energy and I
am strong and happy that I can! Thank you very much for your work and
your positive energy and smile! Regards from Poland
Patrycja Brzuszkiewicz 
Hi Jenny, I'm writing to you from Poland. I have 3 children. When my
youngest one graduated, I found your workouts. It's been 6 months and
thanks to your workouts I've lost 44 pounds. I think I will never cease to
love step thanks to you.
Meet my beautiful hubby Mike. We do your 30-minute workouts in Wales
most days. Thank you for all your committed hard work. We appreciate all
you do!
Carol and Mike Hughes 
I was so excited todav when I saw vou accepted mv friend request! I am
truly one of your biggest fans! When I found you back in December, you
changed my life! You flipped a switch in me and made me fall in love with
working out and stepping! I am even new to weights, stretching, and
yoga…falling in love with those workouts because of you! Thank you for
being such an inspiration to me.
Trace Petroski 
When I started I used Jenny Ford's workouts almost daily! Now I run, do
weight training and such as well. Your videos have made me so much
stronger and given me so much endurance! Just this morning I did 3 miles
on the treadmill (interval training), a mile on the elliptical. 6 miles on a bike.
and then did weight training and I feel eneraized and ready for the dav!
Emilv Lessnau 
With the help of Walk Across America, I have been able to lose 35 lbs and
keep it off. I have always struggled with my weight. Covid hit and so did
the pounds (working from home allowed me access to my kitchen all day
long). I discovered the March Across America on Amazon Prime. I started
doing Jenny's workouts and really enjoyed them. I bought the March
Across America so I would have it to do over and over since I really enjoy
them. It has helped make me healthier and I feel better about myself.
Thank you!!
Belinda Davis Gatlin 
It's been a 3-year journey starting at 70. I broke my arm. 3 months later a
back compression fracture. Ready for assisted living? I decided NO. After
losing the first 50, I knew I needed more inspiration.and there you were! I
can't do 30 minutes at one time. However, I can do 15 minutes twice a day!
120-pound total loss. You are real. You are sincere. Somehow you touched
me through the workouts (and Tyler's great choice of sound). I can do
things I could not do a couple of years ago. I did go to PT. They started me
on my road to recovery, but you carried me to the finish line….and I'm not
stopping there! Everyone has that "button" inside of them that, when you
push it, you can do amazing things you never thought you could!
Rosalie Zukaitis 
You have been a consistent support in my life with your workouts. I found
your workouts 2 years ago and they have become a motivation for me. I'm
working my way through the Walk Across America series (I completed
Kentucky today) and really enjoy the different locations. Thank you for
being real and open about your family's grief and showing your strength.
appreciate you.
Becca Davis 
Hi Jenny! I know we have never met, but over the past nearly two years
you have been my daily companion. I have said it before, but your spirit,
drive, and overall breezy "you got this" attitude have encouraged me to
not give in or give up and have helped me to realize I'm more than a
number on a scale. I am stronger inside and out and I owe so much of that
to you!
Here is my sweaty selfie from today. And here I am 68 pounds ago. Never
in my wildest dreams did I think I could accomplish this, yet here I am!
There are some days when I cannot do the workout, but the last few days
climbing the mountain has reminded me that I have climbed a massive
mountain and that the time I carve out of my day for my workout is MINE
For me. Self-care has never been more important.
All my love and heartfelt thanks to you.
Kim Schubert 
I used to be a step instructor 20 yrs ago. During Covid, my gym closed
down and I found your inspiring workouts. I use the 6 days a week and
along with Intermittent fasting have lost 25lb since October. I love your
philosophy, your honesty, and your energy. You have reminded me why I
love step so much. Thank you
Jennifer Grant 
I started my journey after a health scare, at 245 lbs and I am now 154 lbs. I
no longer take any blood pressure or diabetic medications. I began walking
15 min. a day and increased it to 30 min. I then incorporated your videos.
The more I did the stronger I got. Now I work out 5 days a week and do
your workouts 3 times a week. Your videos and kind words keep me
motivated. There are times when I just wanted to give up but then all of a
sudden on cue, l'd hear you say "you are strong" or "you have to take care
of yourself" and it makes me push even harder.
17 weeks of Jenny Ford Fitness every day, healthy eating, weight training
3x/week = 30 lb. loss! Thank you, Jenny Ford!