WORKOUT 18 of 50 for Walk Across America and WORKOUT 18 of 50 for Step Across America
We made a day trip as a family to film in historic, breathtaking, and spiritual, Monument Valley. Despite living so close, (about a 7 hour drive), this was our first time visiting. WOW! This location should be on everyone’s bucket list. Ultimately one of the pictures was chosen as the cover photo for the workout program.
Many times participants have asked if this location was done on a green screen, but no, it was filmed on location at a place called John Ford’s lookout point. Tyler, my husband got a master’s degree in film from the London Film School and one of his professors loved classic John Ford movies so it was a treat for him to see all the locations. The park is maintained by the Navajo Nation Indian tribe, and it has a real tangible feeling of peace and tranquility. We happened to drive our pickup truck to the location and we were glad we did as the roads were a little rough to drive on. We kept our dog close to us as there were many stray dogs roaming around the area. As Jenny filmed the workouts we could hear Native Americans chanting music with drums, which seemed to connect us to the Great Spirit. It was a long hot day and plenty of sunscreen was used.
Start your journey through all 50 states right at home with the Walk and Step Across America Program!