Planning our hair around workout sessions is no joke! The struggle is real! Finding ways to cut time overprocessing our hair is healthier for both and our bodies. With these super tips, squeeze in a workout and have gorgeous healthy hair that will no longer stand in the way of a good workout.
1. Consider how to wear hair during the exercise session. Longer-haired folks, when working out at the gym wear a higher ponytail, a half-up top knot, braids, or pin hair back to keep it out of the face. If you like to whip your hair around during Zumba class, find a colorful wide headband to keep hair away and off the face. Those who work out at home, wear a top knot or messy bun high on the head, to keep all of the hair up and away from as much sweat as possible.
2. Plan hair washings around workout sessions. Schedule hair washes on the days you personally sweat most. For some, that would be cardio days, and opt not to wash on flexibility and strength training days where sweat is not as much of a factor.
3. Wash the hair every other day (or two). No need to start from scratch after each workout. In fact, most people shouldn’t wash hair every day to avoid stripping hair and scalp of natural oils which can weaken hair and make it dull.
4. Use a gentle shampoo with moisturizing ingredients such as shea butter and always condition. On hair washing days use sulfate-free and paraben-free shampoos if possible. Plan to take a few minutes to leave a deep conditioner to soak into the hair in the shower. Once hair is towel-dried, apply a wonderful oil such as Moroccan oil as well as a leave-in conditioner or de-tangler. Moisturized and protected hair is much easier to manage and always looks and feels better.
5. While in the shower keep longer hairstyles piled on top of the head and consider rinsing out (not washing) shorter hairstyles. Longer hair can be pulled up and wrapped in a tighter bun at the crown of the head during the shower. Once out, quickly blow-dry the damp hair parts. Touch-up with a flat iron or curling iron if needed. For shorter hairstyles, if the hair is sopping wet with sweat simply rinse your hair in the shower with no shampoo, and follow up with a good conditioner.
6. Use a good shower cap during shower time. Spend a little money on a good-quality shower cap that fits. Many of the Freedom.Fit workout community prefers using a cap lined with terry cloth to help pull moisture from hair while they shower.
7. Let your hair air-dry after washing it every once in a while. Curls and waves are making a comeback. Weekends are a great time to let hair air-dry naturally after applying a good leave-in conditioner or de-tangler. Giving your hair a break from your flat iron or blow dryer is not only healthy for your hair but drastically cuts your get-ready time.
8. Use dry shampoo, the best thing ever invented for those who sweat. Workout people love how dry shampoo is a lifesaver! In fact, fitness icon, and dear friend Kathy Smith shared her best hair care tips below:

“Gym sessions are refreshing for your body and mind but can leave your hair dull and worn out. To maintain bright healthy hair, my number one hair trick is to wash my hair every three days. On the second day after my workout, I spray dry shampoo in my roots and pull up some strands with bobby pins, if necessary. And on the third day after the gym, I combat the stringy, greasy look by pulling my locks into a top knot with a cloth hair tie (using cloth is a must because it helps eliminate breakage and ponytail dents). Having variety in your hairstyles keeps your hair hydrated, healthy, and glowing!”
Are there any hair-care tips we missed? Share some of your fabulous secrets!
Join Jenny Ford and Kathy Smith for an amazing Total Body Weight Workout using only one set of dumbbells and bodyweight to hit all major muscle groups in 30 minutes. In the cool down Kathy shares some amazing life advice as we enjoy a relaxing stretch.