
WORKOUT 34 OF 50 for Walk Across America and WORKOUT 34 of 50 for Step Across America.

We filmed right outside Billings Montana in a place called the Pictograph Cave State Park for the Walk Across America workout. There was a functional teepee tent in the background and it certainly was a unique location to film at.

This location was one of the only ones where we had to pay a hefty fee in order to gain permission to film. Tyler has family in Montana, and we were up in Montana to celebrate his grandmother’s 90 birthday at the time. It was fun to celebrate her and get some filming done all on the same trip.

We refilmed the Step Across America workout another time when we were up in Montana visiting Tyler’s grandmother. It was a cool spot along the ridges in Billings, Montana.

Start your journey through all 50 states right at home, with the Walk and Step Across America Program!

Filming Walk Across America at the Pictograph Cave State Park.
Tyler’s Grandma’s 90th birthday celebration.
A few years later filming the Step Across America workout in Billings, Montana.